Communion Meditation

The Lord’s Supper is a foretaste of the wedding feast of the Lamb.  It is an invitation to the heavenly banquet. To participate in the sacrament is to receive the blessings of the eternal kingdom of Christ.

Every blessing of the Covenant are received, embraced, and enjoyed, by faith.  Faith is essential.  If you have faith, even weak faith, faith as small as a mustard seed, come to the table.

If you have no faith, if you do not believe, or if you are living in defiance of God’s commands; coming to this table will only bring judgment.  Don’t come.

What are these blessings that are received by faith at the table?

First, it is pardon for sin, all of them. 

Second, it is sanctification for sinner-saints.

Here, in this means of grace, the Holy Spirit sanctifies our nature, 

subdues our sins, and implants in our heart gospel grace. 

Here we have access to the favor of God.

Third, it is communion with God.

What is that sweet communion with God; what does it entail?

According to Samuel Davies, in the Supper, there are “reviving communications of divine love, to sweeten the affections of life; and the constant assistance of divine grace to bear us up under every burden, and to enable us to persevere in the midst of many temptations.”

Fourth, it is rededication. At the Lord’s Supper, we receive Christ as Savior and accept the gospel. Here, we commit ourselves to Christ; here we renew our vows of the covenant and and recommit to the covenant community.

When we receive the Supper, we are brought into the presence of our Great King and we celebrate the reality that we, who were outsiders, have now been brought into the family of God.

As you come, remember Jesus. Remember his willing sacrifice. Remember the spotless lamb of God whose blood cleanses you.