Following the Call of God

When the King speaks, when He commands, His people obey. Or, do they? When God called me into the ministry I immediately answered, “Here I am, send somebody else!”  Instead of following God’s call and trusting his grace I revisited the empty excuses of Moses. “I am nobody, I can’t do this. I am not eloquent, please send someone else; perhaps my brother, Aaron.”  Neither I nor Moses really heard God say, “I will be with you,” and “Who made the mouth?”  Moses and I were looking inward, at our lack of gifts, wisdom, experience, etc.  We were not looking to God, nor trusting his call, his provision, his ability.  God will not issue an order and then promptly turn his back on his obedient people.  With the command God gives the power, ability, and assistance to complete the task.

I am not alone, I think, in questioning God’s call to service.  Jonah ran in the opposite direction, Peter denied that he even knew the Lord Jesus, Gideon and Joshua needed assurance before they followed the voice of God.  Why do we hesitate to follow the wisdom of the almighty all wise God?  Often, we look to the current supplies on our shelves and calculate the impossibility of the task.  Said in another way, we fail to believe in the wisdom and might of the God who calls us. We look to our present ability instead of depending on God’s promised provision. We act as if it all depended on us and drive ourselves to despair. We think that we are ill equipped and feel very alone.  Cast your eyes on the full shelves of the King of the Universe! “What he says is always best and what he requires is always good.” Paul Tripp

We need to fix our minds on the One who has called us to serve.  He is almighty. He has a plan and a purpose that cannot fail.  He is doing something amazing and no one and no thing can hinder his masterpiece.  When he calls us to any type of service, he is inviting us to his victory parade.  He is giving us meaning, purpose, and even guaranteeing success (when viewed from His perspective).  It is most dangerous to rely on our own wisdom, and most safe to rely on His.  God calls us in order to mature us into childlike faith. Learn to walk in simple confidence in God.  We don’t need to know the whole story to write the first line. When you hear the call of God, take that first step of joyful faith.  

When God calls to serve, just do it. Don’t hesitate, don’t question, don’t begin to marshal seemingly legitimate excuses.  God knows all things, and in His wisdom He has called you! Now, this call of God can be something very simple – say a prayer for a friend, call to encourage a sister in Christ, give to a family in need, teach a class, or join a small group.  It is not the size of the calling that trips us up.  As a rule, those who obey in smaller things are given larger tasks. The key to joyful rest and submission is child-like faith. Just do it. Have the confidence that you and God can do anything. Labor in the assurance that you are not alone. Obey with evident joy because the Master has called your name and delights in your service.