How do I Know that I am Saved?

Movie on 12-29-22 at 10.09 AM

How do I know that I am saved, and that I am going heaven when I die?

A full assurance of faith is a precious, fortifying and comforting truth.  But not every Christian has it. Why?

Our battle with sin calls into question the outcome of the war. Will I ever overcome these sins?  The promises of God astonishing, and we fail to rest in them. We know that we could be better Christians, so we wonder if we are Christians at all.

How can we build a well grounded, confident faith?

The Westminster Confession says,

An infallible assurance of faith [is] founded upon the divine truth of the promises of salvation, the inward evidence of those graces unto which these promises are made, [and] the testimony of the Spirit of adoption witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God (18.2).

The primarily foundation of faith “is the divine truth of the promises of salvation.” We believe the gospel, trust it, rest in it. We believe God and his testimony to the good news. 

Secondly, “the inward evidence of those graces unto which these promises are made.”  First, we believe the gospel of God and then secondly we walk with God.  Saving faith is demonstrated by good works. We can look at the work of God in our lives after we believe the gospel.  We can see evidence of the change that God has worked in our souls, our minds, our actions.

Last, “the testimony of the Spirit of adoption witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God.”  As we believe the gospel and walk in trusting obedience to God, the Holy Spirit points it out to us by way of encouragement. 

Some call this the reflex act of faith, faith looking back on itself.  The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that are children of God.

You can’t see the wind, but you can see what the winds does to the trees.  If you branches are shivering, the wind of the Spirit is blowing.

So, look outside yourself to the fullness of Christ and the truth of his gospel for assurance. Then, look to the evidence of faith in your own life and the Spirit will encourage you to rest in the knowledge that you are a child of God. Rest assured.