Perpetual Springtime!

“We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing” (2 Thessalonians 1:3).

Springtime is so inspiring.  New life is breaking the soil and everything grows so fast. The vibrancy of young life with its fresh bright colors assault us on every side and it is glorious.  Plants thrive with the Sun’s energy.  They soak up water, drink in nutrients and soon will bear fresh fruit.

The healthy Christian lives in perpetual springtime.  The ‘Son’ rises upon them daily. They are planted by the river of God’s delights and regularly drink in the vital, life-giving power of the Word of God.

A healthy plant is known by the sweet fruit that it produces.  What does the healthy Christian produce?  Paul, in 2 Thessalonians 1:3, mentions two evident fruits of the mature Christian life – growing faith and increasing love.  Faith is how we relate to God and love is how we relate to others. 

Faith is taking God’s Word as both true and wise and then acting on it in fruit-bearing hope. God speaks, we listen and heed his words.  The maturing Christian grows in his ability to apply the life-giving Word of God to every moment, every relationship, every issue of his life. And that growth is evident. Paul can see it and praise it.

But, how is it evident? Increasing love for one another reveals it. Knowing God and applying His Word makes us great lovers of all mankind.  At least it should.  Here, Paul talks about the increasing love that Christians have for one another. Because we know God, we also know ourselves. The fall, and sin’s deception, are not merely abstract theological concepts, but a daily experienced reality. A sad reality that God is healing in us through grace. Because of this healing we can be brutally honest with ourselves, warts and all, and patiently gracious towards our fellow strugglers. If we learn God’s love through the gospel, it is easy (easier?) to patiently love others.

Just as the Hospital is the place where Doctors practice medicine, the church fellowship is where we practice love. This mutual love is the low-hanging fruit in the congregation that all produce and we all enjoy.  God’s grace working in us nurtures the faith and love that produce hope of new life. Springtime is so encouraging.