Please join us at 9:00 am before the worship service for Sunday School. Each class has a specific topic led by men of the church. All ages are welcome to attend any class. The coffee and fellowship begin to flow at 8:30 am and continue after Sunday School until 10:20 am. Come early and stir things up with us!

Adult Class
Currently meeting in the Gym
The Life and Theology of Paul
Taught by Bryan McReynolds
Clarence E. Clark Men’s Class
Currently meeting in
Room 6
Taught by Ed Payne
The Clarence Clark Men’s Sunday School class is open to men of all ages. Class time begins with prayer requests and a short season of prayer.
The class is interactive and informal in nature with an open and lively discussion of God’s Word. Discussions address current-day applications in the lives of Christian men of what is learned from the study of God’s Word.