Communion Meditation

Dearly loved, children of God, we now come to the Lord’s Supper and are invited to do so by the Lord Jesus himself. He has prepared this meal for us and He will meet us at this table.  

This spiritual food is designed to be a blessing to us; nourishment for our souls. Here we remember the death of Christ and the salvation that he has purchased for us. This is how our sins are forgiven; through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. At this table, we are reminded that we belong to a heavenly kingdom. This world is not our home. Our citizenship is in heaven.

We are to give thanks to God for making this spiritual meal available to us. God has given his only Son to us, not only to die in our place but to be our heavenly food and our spiritual support.

This meal is a great encouragement to those who come with simple, childlike faith.  But it is dangerous to those who come causally, routinely, and without faith. If that is you, don’t come. Consider what was required of Jesus to prepare this meal. The divine had to become human; the human had to become sin; sin had to be punished; hell had to be silenced, for Jesus to prepare this table for you. Remember him, and come in faith to this table.

Compare your life to the 10 commandments; how are you doing? Do you love God above all and your neighbor as yourself? If you have offended God, and we all do; admit it, confess it, commit yourself to fight against your remaining sin.  If you have sinned against your neighbor, make it right.  Confess, reconcile with them.  Make restitution if necessary.  Live at peace with all men.  Stand ready to forgive others who have sinned against you. Forgive them as you would have God forgive you.

If you refuse to follow Christ in faith or to forgive and seek forgiveness; this table is not for you. Repent, make it right, with God and with others, before you come to this blood-bought Holy Table.

Then come as a member of a Bible-believing and evangelical church; come with a clean conscience, trusting in his mercy, expecting his grace.