God’s Benediction: Grace to You

What is the benediction? Why does the pastor raise his hands? How should I receive the benediction?

A benediction is a blessing from God. Benediction comes from two words bene, which means ‘good,’ and dicere, which means ‘to speak.’ It is the good speech, or the blessing. 

The benediction is not a prayer. A prayer is our speaking to God and asking for a blessing. A benediction is the actual pronouncement of blessing in God’s name.

A benediction is not an ascription of praise to God or Christ. Many, wrongly, praise God thinking it is a benediction. They are aiming in the wrong direction. A benediction conveys the blessing of God, from God. What is the blessing of God? It is the grace of God – not promised, not merely prayed for, but actually conveyed to us.

Since the blessing comes from God it is conveyed by one who has been set apart to speak for God. It is a function of ordination.

Why does the pastor raise his hands for the benediction?  The OT priests did, Leviticus 9:22, “Then Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people and blessed them.” Jesus raised his hand in the Ascension, Luke 24:50, “And (Jesus) led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them.”  So the minister lifts his hands to pronounce and convey the blessing in the name of Jesus.

How should we receive the benediction? The blessing is given regardless of your physical posture. But, many fix their eyes on the hands that convey the blessing and lift their hands to receive grace acknowledging their dependence on God.

“This is God’s final word to us in the covenant assembly of worship: those who belong to him are not under his judgment, but under his grace. They are not objects of his wrath, but the objects of his love. The benediction is his holy announcement that we are sealed with his name and our whole life is covered by his grace.”

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit. Amen.