We all pursue righteousness. We seek to do the right thing; and most times we think that we are righteous in our actions. Whenever we make a decision, we believe it to be justified, necessary, and proper. We have legitimate reasons that are sufficient for us. And when we convince ourselves that we always do the right thing we begin to reek of self-righteous smugness.
But, what is righteousness? It is being right or meeting a standard. Yes, true, but go a little deeper. Why do we strive to do the proper thing, or meet an expectation? Who are we trying to please? Whose approval or acceptance are we seeking? As we pursue righteousness we are seeking someone’s approval and acceptance. We are meeting the standard for them. It could be a teacher that we need a good grade from, or a peer group that we are seeking to enter, or a boss that hand our a desired promotion. We all seek to be right, or righteous – received, accepted, and approved – by someone.
Well, who are you trying to please? That is the question. Many are seeking acceptance from their parents. Others, friends. Most in our postmodern meltdown are only seeking to please themselves. They are ‘god’, sovereign, independent, after all.
Some are seeking the favor and acceptance of God, and so they strive to be righteous. They go to church, say the prayers, keep the rules. We think that this is a good thing. In fact, all other religions except Christianity, celebrate and encourage this kind of striving after righteousness. Do, do, do, and ‘god’, however you understand him, will accept you. Your righteousness is your ticket to acceptance and approval.
But that is not Christianity. “None is righteous, no, not even one” Romans 3:10. We are fallen creatures. We cannot keep the law. To seek acceptance with God through our obedience is a recipe for ongoing frustration, deepening disappointment, and eventual despair. So then what is true Christianity? How can I gain God’s approval and acceptance? How can I be righteous before God? “Seek first the kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and all these things will be added to you” Matthew 6:33. Hide yourself in Christ through faith.“The Lord is our righteousness” Jeremiah 23:6, 33:16. Being clothed with Christ’s righteousness is how we are accepted and approved by God. That is Christianity. That is grace. That is how we live the Christian life. We are already fully accepted and greatly loved. When God looks at us He sees the His Son; the one in whom He is well pleased. This gift of righteousness sets you free to glorify and enjoy God; and to pursue righteousness as well.