Session Summary January 2023

All active Session members were present along with guest Sharon Kuhn and new missions team leader Gene Striker.  A new members class taught by our pastor is ongoing with a number of potential new members.   Ross and Nancy Schlosbon were recently approved for church membership.  Please welcome them and get to know them better!  The Trellis team reported that our December giving exceeded our spending by $16,000, allowing us to close December with a $11,000 surplus.  Thank you for your generous giving.  The Trellis team subcommittee on facilities rental, has developed a plan for how to adapt and charge for the use of our facilities if another like-mined organization is interested in sharing a portion of our buildings for Sunday use.  This is a missions oriented outreach that can positively impact our community and help us financially.  If you know of a group that is looking for a church home please see Pastor Mark.  If you have an interest in helping with our sanctuary audio and camera systems, helpers are still needed.  New ministry team members are also needed for the church growth, creative, and worship teams.  Sign up on the large poster in the narthex to help pray for the many missionaries we support throughout the world.  Sharon Kuhn will be traveling to Thailand in early March to support a woman’s missionary conference.  The every other Wednesday night “Your questions, God’s answers” meeting and fellowship meal is starting some new curriculum.  Come and enjoy these thought-provoking topics and discussions.  The Diaconate is working on the new fiscal year budget starting April 1.   Please plan to be available on March 26th for the election of officers, and the presentation of the budget.  A new digital sign will soon be placed out near Wheeler Road thanks to anonymous donations. Our next Session meeting is scheduled for February 27th.  If you are visiting Westminster today, thank you for being here and please join us for our visitors luncheon.