Session Summary July 2021

Your session met on Tuesday, July 13 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.  Ed Payne encouraged us to see the greatness of God, known through Scripture, and described in the Westminster Confession of Faith, as a great aid to our worship. We gratefully received a $500 gift from Lakemont PCA for our hosting their VBS in June. We transferred two families to Christ Church Presbyterian at their request.  We received Ella Kate into communicant membership after hearing her profession of faith. Bryan gave a brief report of a long, but good, General Assembly Meeting. Pastor Mark will attend the Presbytery meeting in Lyons on Saturday. We will contract with Followers in Fellowship to allow the Classical Conversations group to meet at our church on Fridays during the school year.  We discussed a new prayer initiative, the Walk Thru the Bible seminar, mercy ministry, shepherding concerns, Covid-restrictions, and the Sunday Evening Prayer meeting.  We will restart the Usher Ministry, passing the plates for our collection, and our pre-Covid communion procedures beginning August 1, 2021. We will have a fellowship meal on July 18 to hear from Rev Andy Lee and welcome our new members from the last year.  A special Sunday School class for our new members to grow in our knowledge of our church, God, and one another will begin sometime in August.  Pastor Mark will guide the class.  Our financial transition to Queenborough Bank has gone smoothly and we altered our phone service to update our ancient equipment. It is one of the greatest gifts from God for us to find a home, a welcome, and a family in the church fellowship. Westminster is such a home and a blessing for many.  Pray that God would add to our numbers and deepen our fellowship with God and with one another.