Session Summary June 2022

All Session members were present along with guests Sharon Kuhn and Carla Wooten. We prayed specifically for eight of our church families.  We heard reports from the pastor about families that have recently attended and been contacted by him and others. The Walk Through the Bible program was recent held and attended by 44 people. The Trellis team reported that our May financials closed with a $11,300 surplus, helping to catch up from earlier deficits and leaving us $3,200 overall below budget for the year.  Continue to pray for wisdom as the Session deals with this issue. About 20 people are regularly attending the Wednesday evening “Your Questions, God’s Answers dinner and study. Cards will be going out to people moving to our church neighborhood over the next four months and will introduce them to our church. Vacation Bible school in cooperation with Lakemont PCA will be held in our facilities next week. The Worship team has introduced the weekly Westminster Whispers and Winds email for church wide announcements and encouragement. We are urged to review this information each week. June 26th we are hosting a families with children luncheon after morning worship.  The ladies are encouraged to attend the upcoming “Meet and Eat” on July 15th, and a church wide dinner is being planned for July 31. Sharon Kuhn has just returned from a mission’s trip to Kenya. Sign up to adopt a missionary that we support. Pastor Mark and Dan will be attending General Assembly in Birmingham next week. The matter we have before Savannah River Presbytery is still pending and continuous to need our prayers. There are many activities and plans in process to minister well to the members of Westminster and our community. Please pray for God’s blessing, and if you have a talent or area of interest please talk to the elders or pastor or ministry team leaders for how you might also help.  We also could use more help with children’s church activities. Please see Karrie Harmer.