Session Summary March 2021

Session Summary

March 2021

Ed Payne walked us through the Kingdom of God in 5 minutes ending with 2 Corinthians 15:23-26 for our opening devotion. April 13 at 5:30PM is our next session meeting.  We approved Ted Kuhn and Bryan McReynolds to stand for a three year term at elders.  A Congregational meeting has been called for March 28 after the morning service to received the Budget and to vote on these two men as elders. Roy Smith and Gary Mullen were thanked for their service as they are rotating out of active office. We approved a Budget that is $28,000 less than year, but still about $16,000 more than we will collect this year.  Year to Date our expenses are $8,000 more than our receipts. We have many reasons to thank God for faithful giving during the year of Covid. 

We will continue to offer a livestream service in the old Sunday School room with extra Covid precautions.  We will revisit this each session meeting.  Communion will return to twice a month beginning in May.  We will celebrate communion on March 21, April 18, May 9 and 23.  A new Shepherd Watch-care list is available and will be published soon. We are looking into the possibility of hosting two Walk Thru the Bible seminars; one this year and one next year. An “Awakened, not Woke,” conference is also being explored.  Lakemont PCA, in the absence of have their own facilities, will be having their VBS at our facility from June 21-24.  Columbia County as also requested the use of our facility for Election Day.  Our deacons will look into this possibility. Special events around Easter are also being prepared.