Session Summary May 2021

Ted Kuhn opened our meeting with a devotion from Acts 20 and Paul’s meeting at Miletus with the elders from Ephesus.  We have scheduled our next meeting for June 15 at 5:30pm. An update our our Walk Thru the Bible Seminar on July 24 was given by Pastor Mark. Fellowship Team has scheduled a Church Picnic, a baby shower, and a Game night and will continue to arraign future luncheons, dinners, service projects, topical studies, and testimonies. We will expand the responsibilities of the Administration Team to include staff communication, and new ministry development.  They may even change their name to the Trellis Team.  Ask them why.  On June 10 the elders will gather to discuss a vision for stewardship and missions for Westminster.  The “Awakened, not Woke” conference was discussed as well as a possible discussion group on current issues from a Christian Worldview and what we can practically do about impacting our communities. We would like to begin our Home Group ministry again.  We debated when and how to begin them.  More information will follow.  Our new website is up and running ( We are in the process of changing banks from Fifth Third to Queensborough.  The process should be completed by July. We have 3 facility use agreements for the fall.  We will be hosting a Classical Conversations chapter through Followers in Fellowship, Veritas Academy for the 28th year, and the American Academy for the English Martial Arts.  We are looking forward to a post-Covid expansion of fellowship and ministry.  May God bless us and we trust in Him.